Liebster Award Winner (part 1)
- Each person tagged must post 11 things about themselves.
- They must also answer the 11 questions the tagger has set for them.
- They must create 11 more questions to ask bloggers they have decided to tag.
- They must then choose 11 special bloggers with less than 200 followers to tag & award.
- These lucky bloggers must be told in a comment on their blog.
- I talk to animals. Not only my cat or my parents dog, but to birds. Worms. Bees. Spiders. There’s a spider living in our larder. I tell it every day not to be afraid of me.
- I want Cat Steven’s Morning has Broken to be played at my funeral. No, I don’t want someone coming with a guitar singing it live, I want a recording with Cat. Ok?
- I’m terribly afraid of heights and of snakes. I have nightmares every now and then about heights and snakes, sometimes my brain even manages to combine the two (like, standing on a roof, about to fall down, with 10 000 snakes crawling on the ground).
- Talking of dreams, I believe I’ve had precognitive dreams although I don’t believe in such things.
- Mindfulness training has literally changed my life and how I view it. Please try.
- I used to call myself Linn Pinn Bananeskinn as a kid (≈Linn Stick Banana Skin). Don’t ask me why.
- Another thing I did as a kid. Before going to bed, I would get some hair from our dog and stick into my nose. It made me feel relaxed and safe. Don’t ask me why. Please don’t try.
- I’ve decided to read the Bible, from the first page to the last – in that order. I started in March and I’m currently on page 83, but there are things you shouldn't rush through.
- Bittersweetness (I don’t think that’s a word, but you know what I mean) is one of my favorite feelings.
- I believe it’s a strength to be able to change yor mind.
- I can always, always, have another cup of tea.
It ruines my make up but made my day, underbart! Jag tycket så mycket om ditt sätt att skriva Linn och jag tror vi skulle haft kul ihop om vi bott grannar när vi var små. Förresten skulle vi nog ha kul ihop om vi bodde grannar nu också :) Kram!
Vad härlig du är!
Får jag också bo granne med er? :)
Oh, gosh, I love tea too. Also, I talk (and sing horribly) to my dogs, but not spiders and such. Speaking of spiders... not my favorite. And, what is wrong with a little dog hair up the nose??... lol! ;)
Jag körde med katthår upp i näsan, fast det håret satt fast i katten i fråga. Och samme katt sov tillsammans med mig på min kudde. Min mindfulness stavas PearlJaminess och fungerar nog på samma sätt. Även jag kan alltid ta en till kopp te.
Jag är likadan. Kan också alltid ta en kopp te till =)
Du skriver helt underbart! :-)
Älskar också Cats Morning has broken, jag pratar med djur, får en obeskrivligt jobbig känsla på höga höjder, särskilt om någon familjemedlem är med (tror de ska falla över kanten), drömmer sanndrömmar ibland men tror på dom, mindfulness varje dag!, har också tänkt att det vore intressant att läsa hela bibeln men kommer aldrig göra det (finns alltid annat som kommer emellan) och så klart är det en styrka att kunna ändra sej.
Önskar dej en härlig helg och en mysig första advent, Linn!