Le Fabuleux Destin de Moi - Week 47

Monday: Celebrating the new week with a mango and grapefruit salad with low carb ice cream from Alvestaglass.

Tuesday: Falling in love with this bowl from Ikea (yes, I had to take it home...).

Wednesday: Meeting with the book club at my place. This time we had all read different collections of short stories by Alice Munro. Interesting discssuions and new angles.

Thursday: Eating a few of these chocolate bonbons that was given to me by the girls in the book club. Delicious!

Friday: Watching Bride and Prejudice for... well, could it be the seventh time? It's silly and overly romantic, but I like it! If you are curious of Bollywood movies but not yet ready for the real, heavy stuff this can be a good start. It's westernized but still with a lot of singing and dancing India style.

Saturday: Oops! Accidentally buying myself a pair of new shoes... But these are just what I need for the upcoming winter, right?

Sunday: Going for a long walk in the beautiful weather. But I had really forgotten what 1ºC (approximately 34ºF) feels like. Brr!
Le Fabuleux Destin de Moi - Week 46

Monday: Feeling pretty in my parrot bracelet.

Tuesday: Giving Buddha and his little babies a shower. It looks like he's crying but I think it's only tears of joy.

Wednesday: Inspired by Patrick O'Neill and The Four-fold Way at Yogahuset. Will tell you more about this event later on.

Thursday: Eating a low carb salmon pie. Will share the recipe with you!

Friday: Getting served a delicious dessert with Tokaji wine after a fab dinner.

Saturday: Being adventurous and trying this Death sauce. Yes, I felt I was alive.

Sunday: A quiet day. Went to the library.
I don't want to say it was a busy week, but it was a rather eventful one. Still, this was the week I felt that I finally 'landed' in working 75 percent of full-time. I hope this feeling lasts.
I have to admit that I'm also suffering from 'blog guilt' right now. I know I shouldn't, but it's just that you have been leaving so many thoughtful and kind comments here, and I just haven't had the time to answer them or visit you, my blogging friends. I think tomorrow will be the day, and I'm looking forward to see you again.
Le Fabuleux Destin de Moi - Week 45

Monday: New camera! I am one very happy blogger :-D

Tuesday: Enjoying life together with Nils.

Wednesday: Rediscovering an old favorite of mine - thin slices of Danish rye bread roasted in the oven, covered with a spread made of feta cheese and yoghurt and then some avocado, sundried tomatoes, mozzarella, tomato, basil and freshly ground pepper. Yummy!

Thursday: Finally! Back at the gym.

Saturday: Dating myself and going for a long walk. Realizing that November isn't so grey and dull after all.

Saturday: Christmas crafting (I'll show you the result later this week) and drinking mulled wine with Anna.
One very happy moment from last week was reading Sara's Blog love post. It gave me blogging inspiration and a real energy boost! I love reading Sara's blog Life in Singapore. Sharing bits and pieces from her life in Asia, her blog is a peaceful and inspiring escape from my everyday life. She's also a great photographer, yogini, fashionista and home decorator with the cutest little daughter. I'm glad to have found you in the blogosphere!
Le Fabuleux Destin de Moi - Week 42

Monday: Still ill, but at least I smell good - Mademoiselle Ricci by Nina Ricci.

Tuesday: In bed all day, reading a little between coughs. But Murakami, you made me disappointed this time.

Wednesday: Feeling better and Elisabeth comes over for dinner. She brings a beautiful golden, sparkling wreath that may or may not be a Christmas decoration. I say it's perfect in October!

Thursday: Proud of this bouquet of cabbage flowers and carnations (nejlikor, in Swedish) that I've put together myself. I love it!

Friday: In pumpkin mood. Haven't decided yet what to do with it. Maybe I'll just leave it as it is.

The weekend: Went to Stockholm for a dinner party with friends on Saturday and name giving ceremony for Gusten on Sunday.

Parts of Winhill/Losehill attended the ceremony and performed. Pure magic!
Le Fabuleux Destin de Moi - Week 41
I ran as fast I could, but that terrible cold was faster. I've been bed-bound since Monday night, and I'm still coughing my lungs out. Ouch!

Monday: Went to our neighbor town Norrköping for work. That city is so beautiful.
I used to live there, and I still feel at home each time I visit.

Tuesday: Treasuring these roses, stolen from a bush that was taken down outside my office.

Wednesday: Trying to soothe my sore throat.

Thursday: Writing a letter (and as usually it starts with me apologizing for not writing earlier...)

Friday: Watching Upstairs, Downstairs. It's a pity they didn't make another season.

Saturday: Still bed-bound. Trying to eat som breakfast although I hardly have any appetite.

Sunday: Cat standing in the window, contemplating whether to go outside or not.
Le Fabuleux Destin de Moi - Week 40

Monday: Moved this old penoy from the house where I used to live to Elisabeth's garden. It will have to stay there 'til the day I finally get my own house. One day. One fine day.

Tuesday: Attended Zonta's yearly fashion show and won this basket full of culinary delicacies from local cheese shop Norins Ost.

Wednesday: My favorite magazine hit the floor and brightened my day

Thursday: Woke up early and had a relaxing morning with cat and candle light.
Friday: Bollywood class. Was too busy dancing to take a picture of it...

Saturday: Christmas crafting (yes, already!) with Anna and Charlie. We're making an advent calendar, but don't tell him. It's supposed to be a surprise.

Sunday: Enjoying the beautiful October weather on an excursion in the local area.
Le Fabuleux Destin de Moi - Week 39
It's been 20 weeks since I last published anything in this category. Figured it was about time now.

Monday: Linköping by night. Had tapas with Susanne at Aioli tapas bar.

Tuesday: Halfway through The Dice Man we had the second meeting with the book club. If I ever was worried that we wouldn't have anything to talk about... I realize now that I didn't have to. There's just so much to discuss!

Wednesday & Thursday: Cleaning out the old place, thinking that this was a beautiful house to live in.

Friday: Concert with In Flames in Stockholm. Not really my kind of music, but there's something about the energy I like.

Saturday: Continued to prepare the house for the handover to our landlords. Found the book of instructions for the 1947 Westinghouse refrigerator still in use. It includes a lovely refrigerator cook book, with a whole section of refrigerator cakes.

Sunday: The day for the handover. Put a finishing touch to the garden, and then it was time to leave.
This week was all about preparing for handing over the house where we used to live to our landlords. I've been tired, stressed and frustrated, finding myself whiny and grouchy. I'm an experienced mover, but nothing can compare with this one when it comes to time spent and the number of sleepless nights. Our landlords were happy though.
After this week I have a lot of bad conscineces to deal with, but I just can't right now. I need (and want) to rest and relax, so that's what I'll be doing the coming days.
Le Fabuleux Destin de Moi - Week 19

Happy cat. I'm enjoying the weather, but Nils... oh, Nils. He LOVES it.

Hanging colorful laundry outside while listening to Benny Goodman. Just one of those moments when everything seems to be right.

A new favorite. I'll share the recipe later this week.


Planting. If everything goes as planned, there will be lots of delicious chard (mangold, in Swedish) on the balcony.
A few pictures from last week, moments I wanted to share and remember.
Highlights was wine tasting with friends on Wednesday and dinner with new and old acquaintances on Saturday, which meant I had to take the bike for a ride, 11 kilometers/6 miles out on the countryside. It was one of those warm summer nights that you wish would never end...

Några bilder från förra veckan, ögonblick jag vill dela med mig av och minnas.
Höjdpunkterna var vinsmakningen (jo, vinsmakning, för det är tydligen skillnad på vinprovning och vinsmakning) på onsdagen och tjejmiddag med nya och gamla bekanta på lördagen. Jag bestämde mig för att cykla dit, 11 kilometer rakt ut på den bedövande vackra svenska landsbygden och sedan lika långt tillbaka hem igen. Att cykla genom den mörka men småvarma natten var magiskt!
Le Fabuleux Destin de Moi - Week 18

Flower pot on the front porch with thyme and grape hyacinth. I'm glad to have found something the deers don't seem to like.

Dinner with Anna, David and little Charlie on Walpurgis Night. Made two cold sauces for the barbeque, basil/curd cheese/dijon mustard/honey/garlic/olive oil/white wine vinegar to the left and feta cheese/sour cream/lemon pepper to the right.

What we wear, Peter & me - high heels and cycling shoes.

Thursday night. Decided to have strawberries, whipped cream and a glass of white wine for dinner. No, not for dessert. For dinner.

Drove around on the country side and stopped by this lake to soak up the moment.

A new habit: filling up a can with water, lemon, lemon balm and mint to drink throughout the day.
Days are blurred together, but in a good way, I think. I'm spending as much time as I possibly can outside, I read, I eat good food, and think happy thoughts. So it's ok if one day is impossible to seperate from another, because it's all good. It's all good.
Days are blurred together, but in a good way, I think. I'm spending as much time as I possibly can outside, I read, I eat good food, and think happy thoughts. So it's ok if one day is impossible to seperate from another, because it's all good. It's all good.

Dagarna flyter ihop just nu, fast på ett bra sätt känns det som. Jag tillbringar så mycket tid jag någonsin kan utomhus, jag läser, äter god mat och tänker glada tankar. Så det är väl ok om en dag är omöjlig att särskilja från en annan, för allt är bra. Allt är bra.
Update: Och nu har jag börjat läsa igenom alla fina kommentarer till mitt förra inlägg (ibland dröjer det en dag eller två innan jag sätter mig ned och läser kommentarerna, men jag läser alla, alltid). Blir alldeles rörd och glad och nästan lite generad, om vartannat. Vilken boost :-) Tack till er som jag har förmånen att dela den här bloggresan med, ni berikar mig så enormt mycket.
Le Fabuleux Destin de Moi - Week 17

When I say something, I mean it. Spent a lot of time in the garden this week. Here, I'm preparing for the plantations I'm planning to have on the front porch and balcony.

My images aren't making justice to the beauty of all the blue hepaticas growing in our garden. I'm sorry Johanna, this was the best I could do :-)

Received birthday gifts from Anna (yes, my birthday is in January, but who cares?). Earl Grey tea from Løv...

...and a gorgeous scented candle from Voluspa. I'd say she knows me pretty well!

Saturday night.

Sunday morning.

Peter and me had a picnic at a lake nearby. It was a still and quiet evening.
Days go by at the speed of light. Week after week passes by and it’s almost May.
Every morning when I step outside, there’s a new wonder waiting for me. A daffodil with her bowed, yellow head. An army of blue hepaticas dancing a minuet. Lilac buds about to burst.
The world is beautiful.

Dagarna virvlar förbi i ljusets hastighet, och jag virvlar med. Jag lägger vecka efter vecka bakom mig och står nu på tå och balanserar på gränsen till maj. Snart ramlar jag över, ner i ett hav av grönska.
Ett nytt underverk väntar på mig varje morgon. En påsklilja nickar med sitt gula huvud till hälsning. En hel liten armé av blåsippor dansar en menuett i gräset. Syrénknopparna som exploderar vilken sekund som helst.
Världen är vacker.
Le Fabuleux Destin de Moi - Week 16

Lovely, lovely spring!

It was both sunny and warm, so I couldn't resist wearing this dress. It's probably far too short and definitely far too crazily patterned to wear for work, but hey, we only live once (as far as I know).

Sometimes he invites a few of his friends over, and then they have a real party in our garden.

Read a novel by Annakarin Thorburn. It's her first one, just released, and only available in Swedish. It's a dark and twisted story of childhood betrayal and how it affects one as adult. I liked it and would recommend it.

Happy cat rolling on his back. Or maybe he just wants a tan all over?

Cleaning the garden.

Weekend with friends on the countryside.
Good news #1: I won a silk dress from Petra Ringström and if you hurry up, you too can order from the new collection to a discounted price (last day of the sale is today).
Good news #2: It's finally settled and offical that I'm not going back to my former job, the one I had before my sick leave. I will still be with the same company, but in a different role. It was the right decision, I know, 'cause it only feel as a relief.

God nyhet nr 1: Jag vann en sidenklänning från Petra Ringström och om du lägger på ett kål så kan du också beställa från den nya kollektionen till rabatterat pris (sista readagen är i dag).
God nyhet nr 2: Det är äntligen klart, bestämt och officiellt att jag inte ska gå tillbaka till mitt tidigare jobb, det jag hade innan min sjukskrivning. Jag kommer fortfarande att vara kvar på samma företag, men i en annan roll. Det var rätt beslut, jag vet det, för det känns helt och hållet som en lättnad och jag känner inte en gnutta ånger eller sorg.
Le Fabuleux Destin de Moi - Week 15

Made crisp bread.
Fröknäcke inspirerat av recept hos Linn Lundborg
Fröknäcke inspirerat av recept hos Linn Lundborg

Watched La Vie en Rose and fell in love with Edith Piaf all over again.

Read Alice Munro's latest collection of short stories, Dear Life (Brinnande livet, på svenska). I love Munro's writing style but something of the magic I used to find in her stories is gone.

Made a gift for a friend's bridal shower. It was a game. We were all supposed to give her something that reminded her of us, and I chose to make a 'phone', symbolizing how we used to work together with communications.

The bridal shower took place in the archipelago north of Stockholm in breathtakingly beautiful surroundings. Although there are obvious signs of spring here where I live, it was still full winter out there.

The bridal shower also included a paintball game.
And here I am. Ready for a new week!
Le Fabuleux Destin de Moi - Week 14

Tuesday was sunny. I took a day off from work and spent it with Boyfriend at an open-air-café in town, reading, drinking tea and actually sweating - it does get warm in the sun!

Finished reading a novel and a collection of short stories by Karin Tidbeck. That woman has imagination...
Think Alice in Wonderland meets Edgar Allan Poe in your worst nightmare ever. But she's good, sooo good.
Think Alice in Wonderland meets Edgar Allan Poe in your worst nightmare ever. But she's good, sooo good.

Finally got around cleaning and changing the ink ribbon in the typewriter I bought ages ago.
She's a real beauty. I'll share some pictures during the week so you can see for yourself.

Received letters from penpals. Always a pleasure.

Made a super delicious gratin of white radish (that's rättika in Swedish). Recipe here (in Swedish).

You are welcome.

Cat turned 10 years (can't believe it) and got a little toy mouse filled with catnip. "Hmm... wonder if I can eat this?"

"Oh, yes I can!"

Basil plant progress.

April 1 went by, without me fooling anyone.
It’s been a week of getting things done. Washing the car. Organizing and purging the closet, leaving a lot for charity and a little less for the recycling center. Cleaning the typewriter and changing the color band. Paying bills. Finishing a project at work.
It’s been a week of relaxing and enjoying. Took two days off from work. Spent some time reading. Cooking a lot of delicious and healthy food. Getting some writing done. Celebrating Cat’s tenth birthday. Making plans with Boyfriend. Seeing signs of spring popping out from the ground. Hearing the geese coming back from their vacation in the south.
It’s funny. I decided not to complain one single time about the weather this winter. I didn’t, and it worked. I’ve actually enjoyed the snow and the cold. I haven’t spent much time at all longing for spring, but now that it’s here, I’m happy from the inside out. Accepting the winter hasn’t made me appreciate spring less.

Det har varit en produktiv vecka. Har tvättat bilen. Rensat och organiserat i garderoben, lämnat mycket till välgörenhet och mindre till sopmonstret. Rengjort och bytt färgband på min gamla skrivmaskin. Betalat räkningar. Slutfört ett projekt på jobbet.
Det har varit en lugn och njutbar vecka. Ledig från jobbet i två dagar. Har läst. Lagat en massa god och hälsosam mat. Skrivit lite. Firat kattens tionde födelsedag. Gjort upp planer med pojkvännen. Sett vårtecken kika fram. Hört gässen återvända från sin semester.
Det är underligt. Jag bestämde mig för att inte klaga över vädret en endaste gång den här vintern. Det gjorde jag inte heller, och det fungerade. Jag har till och med njutit av snön och kylan. Jag har inte lagt mycket tid alls på att längta efter våren, men nu när den är här känner jag mig rusig av lycka, inifrån och ut. Att acceptera vintern har inte gjort att jag uppskattar våren mindre.
Le Fabuleux Destin de Moi - Week 13

Sheer happiness!

The traditional tulips had to give way for blueberry sprigs.

When a voice inside of you tells you to buy a matching sweater and book and paint your nails in a contrasting color, you just obey. You just obey.

Late and early birthday celebrations for me and my brothers combined with Easter festivities.
I'm dancing on air, smiling at strangers and singing out of tune without caring. Spring! Spring is coming closer, I can feel it. See it. Smell it.
It's still quite cold, but the sun is shining almost every day, slowly pulling the blanket of snow away, day by day.
Highlights of this week has definitely been shopping and eating tapas with friends, picking up a lot of fresh vegetables, and getting together with family over Easter.
I'm feeling so full of energy and excitement, and I'm pretty sure it's got something to do with the iron supplements I've been taking, together with my new 'diet'. I'm a new version of me, without the constant hunger and without the constant tiredness.
I didn't know life could feel this good.

Det bubblar och spritter i kroppen. Jag dansar fram med ett fånigt leende på läpparna, hjälper tanter över gatan och vaknar i gryningen full av energi. Våren! Den är på väg!
Visst, det är fortfarande ganska kallt, men solen lyser ju nästan varje dag och drar snötäcket längre och längre ner. Snart ligger vintern där och sprattlar med sina kalla tår och inser att det är lika bra att kliva upp.
Den här veckans höjdpunkter var definitivt shopping och tapas med vänner, att bära hem färska grönsaker i överflöd (och avnjuta dem lätt kokade med hemgjord Hollandaisesås) samt att tillbringa påskhelgen hemma med familjen.
Just nu känner jag mig full av energi och glädje, och jag är rätt säker på att det har något att göra med järntillskottet jag tar och mina nya matvanor. Det känns som att jag är en ny version av mig, utan den konstanta tröttheten och hungern.
Jag visste inte att livet kunde kännas så här bra.
Och i morgon väntar ytterligare en ledig dag, åtminstone för mig, och jag tror att jag passar på att ta tisdagen också, av bara farten. Jag önskar dig en härlig kommande vecka, och våren varmt välkommen.
Le Fabuleux Destin de Moi - Week 12

Winter is still keeping a tight grip on us...

...but spring has arrived in our house!

Preparing for the flea market.

Can't believe it's easter so soon!

Had Anna and Charlie over for a cup of tea and coconut cake with whipped cream with vanilla powder and coconut flakes. I think this was the first time Nils (the cat) saw a baby (Charlie). He (Nils) didn't enjoy the experience.

And the usual tulip. They brighten up each day.
And... my Bollywood dancing class finally started again! This is the song we're dancing to this spring. Mmmm, I love it.
What else? The flea market was today and it was quite fun. I'm already looking for another one to attend, because I still have things left I want to get rid of. It's unbelievable the kind of people you meet and talk to at a flea market, both the other sellers and the customers.
I'm looking forward to a four day work week and a short break for easter.
I think that's it for now.

I dag var det äntligen dags för loppmarknaden. Jag blev av med åtminstone en tredjedel av alla mina prylar och tjänade in 782 kronor. Jag hade ingen aning om vad jag skulle förvänta mig, så jag har bestämt mig för att vara nöjd med det.
Att stå på loppis var oväntat kul, så jag har redan börjat spana efter nästa jag kan delta på. Tro det eller ej, men jag har fortfarande massor att rensa bland.
Tack för er vägledning gällande vad jag skulle sälja och vad jag skulle spara. Jag lydde ert råd och sparade ljuslyktan. Jag fick också förslaget att sälja två av faten med elefanter på, och spara de andra två plus koppen. Det tyckte jag var en bra idé. Armbandet var det flera som gillade, och det kommer att lottas ut på bloggen framöver :-) Summan av kardemumman är alltså att ljuslyktan och kopp + fat fick stanna. Ångrar det inte.
Så vill jag skicka ett jättetack till Sveriges roligaste mamma*, Ann-Christin med bloggen Berndtsson och Lundström, samt den stora hälsoinspiratören Sabine med bloggen Välbefinnaren. De har förärat mig med bloggutmärkelser och jag tackar allra ödmjukast.
Besök dem för ett gott skratt eller för en vitaminkick!
* Ja, förutom min egen mamma, förstås.
Le Fabuleux Destin de Moi - Week 8

Tulips of the week - bright and colorful

Yoga in the sunset

Started working half time and this was my first lunch box from home, a new habit I will try to establish.
This was a good one; vegetarian wok with oyster mushroom, sesame oil and coconut.
This was a good one; vegetarian wok with oyster mushroom, sesame oil and coconut.

So, I was planning to set the table. He was planning to take a nap on the table.
I won't tell you who won this battle.

Saturday treat: Low carb chocolate mousse with flake salt

I've got proof: spring is really on its way.
Ever since I got back from India I've slowly, slowly shifted to a diet with less carbohydrates and more full fat and proteins. This was my first full LCHF week and I'm happy to say that I'm feeling better than ever. Plus, I've eaten sooo much tasty food! My focus has been to remove all cereals, grains and flours and decrease my intake of carbohydrates radically. I still eat fruit though, which hardcore LCHF fans doesn't.
This was also the week when I started working half time. So far so good!
As for next week, you won't see much of me. Nothing at all, actually. I'm taking seven days away from Internet and social media. It's an experiment with myself as lab rat.
I'll tell you the result when I get back!

Ända sedan jag kom hem från Indien så har jag successivt gått över till en kost med mindre kolhydrater och mer fett och protein. Det här var min första riktiga LCHF-vecka och jag kan glatt konstatera att det känns toppen! Jag mår utmärkt och har ätit fantastiskt god mat. Mitt fokus har varit att utesluta alla spannmål, gryner och mjöl samt radikalt minska mitt intag av kolhydrater. Fast jag äter fortfarande frukt, vilket LCHF-fans av den hårda skolan inte gör.
Det här var också veckan då jag började jobba halvtid. Så här långt allt väl!
Under nästa vecka kommer ni inte att se så mycket av mig. Ingenting alls, faktiskt. De närmaste sju dagarna kommer jag att avhålla mig från Internet och sociala medier. Det är ett litet experiment jag gör med mig själv som försökskanin.
Berättar mer när jag är tillbaka!
Le Fabuleux Destin de Moi - Week 7

Current favorite necklace. Combined with a black dress I'm feeling a little bit dramatic... In a good way, that is.

A color combination I realized I love: wallpaper beige, tassel pink and old hanger blue-grey

The best magazine on earth arrived in my mail box this week. So much to read and explore.

Started taking iron supplements. If nothing else, this retro pill with a nice 70's vibe really cheers me up!

Spent a lot of time with this one, doing... ehh... exactly what he is doing here.

Saturday treat: Plain yoghurt, raspberries from our own garden, almond flakes and some dark chocolate on top.
Best served together with Downton Abbey and a loved one.
Some shots from my week. It's been a lazy but good one.
Le Fabuleux Destin de Moi - Week 6

Started using a trainer for fitness training at home. 30 minutes two times a week to start with!

Had a computer free day.

Banana pancakes with berries, yoghurt and almonds. Perfect snack between lunch and dinner.

Went to a vernissage to see the images of Mattias Klum. He's got a good message but I'm not the biggest fan of his photography.

Wrote a few letters.

White tulips. Makes me think of spring...

...now when winter is back in our little town.
Le Fabuleux Destin de Moi - Week 5

Birthday flowers and new boots - like walking on a cloud!

Almond pancakes and exotic fruit salad for my birthday. I'm the happiest, luckiest 32 year old!

Spring is in the air. Buds on a Forsythia branch. Sun is shining. Birds are singing. Snow is melting.
Cat is happy again!
Cat is happy again!

White roses in a bowl of water.

A new favorite - salad with roasted yellow beets and manchego cheese. Sooo good!

We took out our bikes (first time this year for me) and went into the city for a cup of tea/coffee in the sun.
Life is good.
Life is good.

Homemade blueberry pie and blogging on a Sunday.
I'm so grateful for this week. I had my birthday and Peter made me almond pancakes for lunch, bought me flowers and took me out to the best sushi restaurant in town. I'm 32, by the way.
I met Anna for breakfast/brunch at Scandic City hotel in the middle of the week, and we managed to talk away three hours... That was a good morning!
My parents were here on Saturday. We went for a long walk, had good food and enjoyed each others company. When they had left, me and Peter stayed awake until Sunday together with friends.
I wish every week could be a little like this. But then again, if it was my birthday every week I would be more than 1,600 years old by now...

Jag känner mig tacksam för den här veckan. Jag fyllde år och Peter fixade mandelpannkakor till lunch, överöste mig med blommor och bjöd mig på den bästa sushirestaurangen i stan. Jag är 32 förresten, om någon undrar.
Träffade Anna för en frukost/brunch på Scandic City mitt i veckan. Vi lyckades prata bort tre timmar. En godare morgon får man leta efter!
Mina föräldrar kom på besök på lördagen. Vi gick en långpromenad, åt god mat och bara hade det bra. När de hade åkt fortsatte jag och Peter kvällen tillsammans med vänner tills lördagen övergick i söndag.
Jag önskar att varje vecka kunde vara lite som den här. Men det klart, om jag fyllde år varje vecka skulle jag vara över 1 600 år gammal vid det här laget...
Le Fabuleux Destin de Moi - Week 50

Monday: Made these delicious Cottage Cheese pancakes with spinach and parmesan. Recipe from Dagmar's Kitchen.

Tuesday: Daily treat - opening a window in this old advent calendar.

Wednesday: Rolling 75 vegetarian 'meat' balls for a Christmas party.

Thursday: Waking up to -19ºC.

Friday: Christmas party with colleagues. I got a 300 piece puzzle with a Caribbean motif.

Saturday: A ladybug has decided make our bathroom its new home. Welcome, we'll do what we can to keep you alive.

Sunday: Christening ceremony for Othilia, my goddaughter.
Last week before Christmas coming up. I'm looking forward to a three day work week with a lot of Christmas shopping and gift wrapping. And quiet moments with candles and mulled wine, of course.