Amazing Autumn Planning Guide, Part 1/2

Click here for part 2.
Ok. It's NOT autumn yet, but August always fills me with that feverish fresh start feeling that makes me want to plan, organize, and buy heaps of pens and notebooks – out with the old, in with the new!
In that spirit, I’ve spent some time thinking about what I want of this coming autumn, a process I hope will help me to stay focused as well as balanced. In a series of two posts, I'm sharing my way of prioritizing and organizing the different parts of my life.
It’s no rocket science, but something that worked for me (of course, I can only refer to the process itself so far, but it felt really good taking some time thinking about these things).
The goal: Finding out what makes you happy and creating space for just that!

Roles and Relations


We all have different roles in our lives, some that we have chosen, some that have been given to us, and others that are… just there. I believe healthy and happy relations are key to a good life, therefore, take a few minutes to list the roles you have.
 I am: Girlfriend, daughter, sister, friend, cat owner, blogger and communications manager/colleague.
What’s on your list? Would you dare to prioritize? Is there a role you’re not comfortable with, something you would like to change? Think about it and write it down if you wish. If you, like me, are or used to be a workaholic, it can be helpful to have your priorities black on white, to remind you of what's really important when the wheels are turning faster and faster…

What makes you happy?


What makes you smile, laugh or relax? Make a list of these things, focusing on the activities you would like to fill a regular week with. Don’t be shy, don’t hold back – prioritizing comes later. Here’s my list!
This makes me happy: Dancing, reading, writing, being crafty and creative, yoga, photography, walking, spending time with family and friends, seeing new places, trying new things, taking time to prepare my meals and eating healthy, and, finally – doing... nothing.

Dreams and Goals - Wish List


Now, make a wish list of things you want to accomplish this autumn. This list is supposed to be specific and more goal oriented than the last one.
Like this:
I dream of: Freshen up my French, writing a novel (get started), take Bollywood dancing lessons, take ballet lessons, learn how to turn clay (dreja, in Swedish), and get started with an embroidery project.
If this were a bread recipe, this would be the part where it would say: set aside to rise. So, let these thoughts soak in during the day. Tomorrow, it's time to take a new look at the lists, with fresh eyes, and start prioritizing.
Happy planning!
What are your best planning tips for a happy everyday life? I'd love to hear about them! 

Posted by: Piccolacasa

Så klokt! Så inspirerande! Tack för att du delar med dig, jättefina listor.

Svar: Tack, var lite osäker på det här inlägget... Så, tack :-)

2012-08-01 @ 09:17:35
Posted by: Michelle

Sv: Tusen tack för dina gulliga kommentarer. Blev verkligen superglad! :)

Välkommen tillbaka!

Kram Michelle

2012-08-01 @ 11:22:08
Posted by: Turid

Härlig lista med saker som gör en glad!:-) Det finns så himla mycket som är roligt så det är svårt att hinna med allt bara:-) Nästan så man blir lite stressad;-)

Svar: Ja, så känner jag också ofta - det finns så mycket roligt att göra att jag inte vet vart jag ska börja! :-)

2012-08-01 @ 11:42:28
Posted by: CrimsonAnna

Jag gjorde en "vill göra"-lista en gång när jag kände att det var för mycket plikt och borde omkring mig. Har idag gjort allt utom fem punkter där. Dags att göra en ny. Har testat att göra din planering nu. Mina tips är att 1) köp ny almanacka. 2) gör veckomatsedel. Låter präktigt men det är jätteskönt att slippa fundera på vad man ska äta och istället direkt gå och laga maten.

Svar: Det är så himla lätt att fastna i ekorrhjulet och glömma bort allt roligt. Har sett att en del gör listor av typen "31 before 32" (det vill säga saker att göra innan nästa födelsedag). Har varit lite sugen på att göra en sådan, men insåg sedan att mitt problem inte är att jag har svårt att få tummen ur och komma på roliga projekt. Mitt problem är att jag har för mycket som snurrar i huvudet och vill ut. Så det hade kanske funkat om jag var typ... fyra år ;-)
Ditt tips om veckomatsedel är taget. Jag börjar i dag. Kommer vara bra för mig om jag lyckas med det.

2012-08-01 @ 23:07:09
Posted by: Ann-Christin Lundström

Ah... Smart! Det här ska jag göra när vi kommer hem. Tack för tipset!!

2012-08-02 @ 11:07:44
Posted by: Trish

This is SUCH a wonderful idea. I really need to get on the ball with this kind of thing. I work full time, I am buying a house, planning a wedding, AND trying to be a blogger. sheesh. Also, I really love that color series you did previously. SO adorable.
Thanks so much!

2012-08-02 @ 21:09:23

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