Wearing & Tearing

Yes, I was actually wearing this while clearing weeds from our rose plantation. Gardening is so much more fun if you dress up a little!
I've had the dress for ages (there's actually a post here from 2008 where I'm wearing it). The pattern and the colors give me a nice 70's vibe, although it's bought new from Vero Moda. 
The short sleeved cardigan is from H&M, and when did I buy that? Can't remember. Must be 3-4 years ago.
And finally the shoes, cheap ones from Skopunkten... I remember wearing them for a party in 2006, so they're at least six years old.
Yes. I do tend to keep my clothes for a very long time.

Posted by: Turid

Hi hi brukar också ha klänning/kjol när jag utför trädgårdsarbete:-) Jättefina bilder! Riktigt somriga!

2012-08-14 @ 09:13:24
URL: http://www.travelandfashion.blogg.se
Posted by: Trish

you look so cute! I've also got a bad habit of wearing my clothes no matter what I may be doing. :)


2012-08-14 @ 21:40:57
URL: http://www.jellybonesblog.blogspot.com
Posted by: johanna

otroligt vackra bilder!:)

2012-08-15 @ 11:13:51
URL: http://johannaj.se

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