My at Home Yoga Routine



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I said the other day that I would share my at home yoga routine. I have several versions of it, but this is the one I do most frequently. This session takes me about 75-80 minutes.



Relaxing in Savasana, 2 minutes.
To focus and slow down.

Warm up exercises for lower back

I’ve had some problems with mine so I have a programme from a physiotherapist.


Pranayama - Breathing Exercises

I alternate between a few different exercises. My favorites are fire breathing (also called breath of fire), Nadi Sodhana and Anuloma Viloma

Sun Salutations

Sun salutations, ten rounds. Three in slow tempo to really stretch and warm up, seven rounds in a tempo that makes me sweaty and out of breath. After this, I relax in Savasana again for 1-2 minutes.

12 Basic Asanas

Find out more about the poses here.


Meditation and Mantra Chanting

I love this slowing down meditation video She feels a little insecure in the beginning, but as soon as the actual meditation starts I find her voice very soothing and pleasant.
After this, I move on to some mantra chanting. Right now I use the Gayatri Mantra. [Listen on Spotify].
Do you feel awkward about saying these things? Personally, I don’t really mind. To me, the mantra is simply something that helps me prevent distracting thoughts from taking over my mind. I actually think it’s a good thing that I don’t really understand or can relate to what I’m saying...


I end each session with relaxation, and I have a favorite video to help me.
I must have watched this video at least a hundred times. I know every single word of it, and my favorite part is when she says ‘there’s nothing to hold anymore, you can just let go…’. I don’t know, but those words really do something to me.
And, that's the end of it.
Sometimes, I listen to music while doing yoga to get in the right mood. Most often, it’s this Spotify playlist
I'm ending this post with a disclaimer... Yoga is good for body and mind, but if you’re not sure of what you’re doing, you must be careful, especially if you have back or neck problems or if you’re pregnant. If you’ve never tried yoga before, start by seeing a yoga instructor.

Posted by: Art By Tina - Konst & Fashion

Vilken underbar läsning! Lade precis upp ett liknande inlägg, fast med lite mindre info. Har du någon bra sida att tipsa om hur man hittar enkelt vad de olika poserna heter, både på engelska och indiska.

Snodde din yoga-playlist. Den ska utforskas=)

Svar: Ja, jag såg att vi tänkt ungefär likadant i dag :-) Jag gillar, där finns bra grundinfo om de olika poserna, samt namnen på båda språken. Jag gillar också, fast man måste betala för att få tillgång till alla videos, och det har jag inte gjort än.
Har du någon favvo-yoga-sida?

2012-08-30 @ 16:19:27
Posted by: christin

ah! Jag över på huvudstående för tillfället!! it's hard work!

Svar: Minst sagt.... Förutom allt annat så saknar jag MOD. Min yogalärare säger att det egentligen bara är det det handlar om. Hmm.

2012-08-30 @ 21:33:57
Posted by: Katarina

Jättesnyggt inlägg!
yoga är underbart. Jag är dålig på att få till träning hemma. Tycker inte att det är avkopplande - undantag löpning. Går hellre till gymmet ;)

Svar: Och jag gör nästan vad som helst för att slippa gå till gymmet. Så olika det är :-)

2012-08-31 @ 12:08:21
Posted by: Katarina

haha :) Min man är likadan!

2012-09-01 @ 00:13:51

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