Roasted Root Veggies With Dijoghurt
Dijoghurt? I just made that word up. Definition: A delicious combination of yoghurt and dijon mustard, that goes along perfect with roasted root veggies.
Here's the recipe. Or, at least, some kind of instruction.
Peel root veggies, the ones you find tasty and as many as you and your dinner guests can eat. Cut in 2-3 cm/~1 inch pieces. I used potato, carrots and beet. We also had an awful lot of leek (purjolök) at home, so I added that as well.
Drizzle some olive oil and liquid honey on top of it all, add flaked salt and thyme. Mix it all up, using your hands, and make sure you get a nice distribution of all your ingredients. Roast in the oven for half an hour or so at 225°C/450°F.
For the dijoghurt, take approximatley 5 large tablespoons of thick yoghurt (it doesn't have to be a high fat yoghurt, but you want to use some kind of food yoghurt or the Turkish/Greek kind). Add 2 teaspoons dijon mustard, maybe one half teaspoon olive oil and some thyme. Stir until it's mixed.
We ate this with a green salad and quorn fillets, and it was a perfect weekday dinner.
Posted by: Queen of Kammebornia
Men, åh, vad gott det låter!
Posted by: Mormorsglamour
Men himlar vad gott det ser ut! Nu insåg jag just att det snart är dags för lunch...
Posted by: creando
Jag äter jätteofta ungsrostade grönsaker och tycker att yougurten verkar spännande att prova. Kanonfint tips!
Tack för din fina hälsning hos mig. Rörd blir jag, rörd... :)
Posted by: Annika M Sriwanna
jag gillar ordet dijoghurt :)
Posted by: Lina Steén
Det ser galet gott ut, blev hungrig nu av att se dem där bilderna.
Så jag slänger nog in dom grönsaker vi har hemma i ugnen och gör något improviserat.
Posted by: Piccolacasa
Mmmm! Förra året när jag gjorde raw Food detox rostade jag rotsaker lätt, bl.a. rödbeta och morot, hade i valnötter och fetaost. Yammie yammie det var så gott! Kramen