Liebster Award Winner (part 2)

Time for the second part of the Liebster Award 'task', the one where I answer the eleven questions from Trish.
1. Why did you get into blogging?
I actually don’t remember what got me into blogging in the first place, but I like to see it as the natural next step for me who used to make my own magazines and radio shows (recorded on cassette tapes) as a kid. Blogging combines many of the things I love; writing, photography, being creative and communicative.
2. What is your favorite season?
The current one. Always the current one.
3. Elvis or the Beatles?
Definitely the Beatles, eight days a week.
4. What is your favorite November food?
5. What is your perfect Saturday afternoon?
After a long, brisk walk I cozy up in the sofa in my pajama, under a blanket with a cup of tea and something to read. Around 6 PM or so I’m probably hungry and move on into the kitchen. Home made pizza? Why not? I end the day with an episode of Downton Abbey and get to bed before it’s too late.
6. Are you young at heart, or an old soul (or both)?
I’d like to think I’m a little bit of both, but I get to hear more often that I act and think older than my age.
7. Do you have an idol? If so, who?
Do I? No, I don’t think so. But I admire people who follow their heart and people who let kindness and generosity guide them in their actions.
8. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
Right now, I’m dreaming of exploring Russia but I’m not sure if I’m brave and adventurous enough.
9. City or country gal?
Definitely a country gal. I love fresh air, rubber boots and cows.
10. Are you a hopeless romantic?
Yes. Or no. I don’t know? What do you think?
11. Any words of encouragement from one small-blog blogger to another?
More like a few words of advice that I give myself from time to time.
  • As long as blogging makes you happy, your blog is meaningful, no matter how many or how few readers you have.
  • When people unfollow or stop commenting, it doesn’t mean that there’s something wrong with you or your blog. They just weren’t the right readership for your content.
  • Quality before quantity, that goes for your blog posts as well as for the people who read and comment. I’m so happy for you who keep coming back and taking your time to write thoughtful comments.
Part 1 of the Liebster Award task
So, the weekend is finally here! With only one week left for our Bollywood Show and three and a half week left for Christmas (crazy, I know!), I'll be dancing around the house while making and baking Christmasy things.

Posted by: CrimsonAnna

Readership-vilket vackert ord:)

2012-11-30 @ 17:20:38
Posted by: HemkäraHanna

Du blir bara trevligare och trevligare desto mer man får veta om dig!

Svar: Åh, tack! Tänkte att det möjligen var för mycket att erkänna att jag både pratar med insekter OCH stoppar hundhår i näsan (det senare borde visserligen vara preskriberat vid det här laget) ;-) Kram

2012-11-30 @ 21:30:30
Posted by: Trish

Linn, I love love love your words of advice to fellow bloggers. It's hard to remember sometimes that the blog I started was for me, and that anyone else who reads it is a friend that I've gained and not someone I am working to impress. Also, WHAT an awesome Saturday. I think you and I have much in common lady. I just started watching Downton Abbey and I can't stop! Also, I need at least 2 cups of tea every morning. :)
Have a grand weekend,

Svar: I love my blog, just the way it is and as a hobby, but it's so easy to forget that and start acting like it's a 'job' - and that's when blogging gets stressful and boring (ok, I admit, if I could do this full time and get paid for it, of course I would, but you know what I mean..).
I'm so glad to have found your blog and YOU - you're outstanding!

Have a great weekend you too :-)

2012-12-01 @ 07:27:11
Posted by: Piccolacasa

Vilken fin liten "intervju" med dig! Och vad glad jag blir att komma in här och se att det inte är jättemånga nya inlägg, då får man ju trots allt lite bloggångest. Skönt med ett lagom (tihi) tempo i bloggarna. Fast samtidigt lite oroväckande, längesedan jag såg dig! Vad gör du? Knäckkoma? Pysselhysteria? Skön semester? Catcuddle? Kram!!

2012-12-28 @ 13:41:04

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