Liebster Award Winner (part 2)
- As long as blogging makes you happy, your blog is meaningful, no matter how many or how few readers you have.
- When people unfollow or stop commenting, it doesn’t mean that there’s something wrong with you or your blog. They just weren’t the right readership for your content.
- Quality before quantity, that goes for your blog posts as well as for the people who read and comment. I’m so happy for you who keep coming back and taking your time to write thoughtful comments.
Readership-vilket vackert ord:)
Du blir bara trevligare och trevligare desto mer man får veta om dig!
Linn, I love love love your words of advice to fellow bloggers. It's hard to remember sometimes that the blog I started was for me, and that anyone else who reads it is a friend that I've gained and not someone I am working to impress. Also, WHAT an awesome Saturday. I think you and I have much in common lady. I just started watching Downton Abbey and I can't stop! Also, I need at least 2 cups of tea every morning. :)
Have a grand weekend,
Vilken fin liten "intervju" med dig! Och vad glad jag blir att komma in här och se att det inte är jättemånga nya inlägg, då får man ju trots allt lite bloggångest. Skönt med ett lagom (tihi) tempo i bloggarna. Fast samtidigt lite oroväckande, längesedan jag såg dig! Vad gör du? Knäckkoma? Pysselhysteria? Skön semester? Catcuddle? Kram!!